Collect your order in a Locker or at an InPost Point
Discover a new way to manage your orders freely
Thanks to the collaboration with InPost you can choose whether to collect your package independently, when and how you want.
Does this seem too easy to you? It is, thanks to the many Lockers and InPost Points present throughout the national territory.
How to receive your order using InPost services?
Receiving your order in an InPost Locker or at a Collection Point is simple and intuitive!
Follow these simple steps:

Buy online
- Make your purchase normally on our site .
- When checking out, enter your home address and select " Collect your order at InPost Locker or InPost Point" as your shipping method.
- Make the payment and complete the order.
- Then wait for our email with the subject "Choose your Locker or InPost Point" where through an online form you will choose where to receive your order. (it may take up to 24 hours before receiving the email)

- Click on "Find Your Pickup Point NOW"
- On the InPost website, choose your collection point and click on it
- Click on "See Details"
- Copy address and InPost Code (If Present)
- Return to our site and enter the copied data in the appropriate form (wait to receive the appropriate email)
If you need assistance contact us.
What is a Locker and how does it work?
Lockers are innovative solutions, 'lockers' with fully automated electronic drawers which function as collection and storage points for a package.
Collect your parcels in complete safety: only in possession of a unique PIN is it possible to have access to the Locker drawers and their contents.
What is an InPost Point?
You can find InPost Points at tobacconists, laundries and other affiliated businesses near your home or workplace. Come in and let us guide you through the 3 simple steps needed to collect your package.